Digital Marketing Business INFORMATION INQUIRY FORM Business Name *Business Address *CityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeBusiness Phone *Business Email Address *Business Industry / Category *Business Mission Statement *Number of Employees *Years in Business *Website URL *Website Platform *Website Analytics Tool Used *Website Traffic (Monthly Average) *Website Conversion Rate (if known) *Website Goals *Website SEO Strategy (if any) *Logo File Upload *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileBrand Colors *Brand Fonts *Brand Tone/Personality *Social Media Platforms Used *Social Media Followers *Social Media Engagement Rate (if known) *Social Media Posting Frequency (number of time per day) *Social Media Paid Advertising Budget (if any) *Social Media Goals *Current Marketing Channels Used *Target Audience Demographics *Competitor Analysis (Top Competitors) *Unique Selling Proposition (USP) *Previous Marketing Campaigns *Budget Allocated for Digital Marketing *Goals for Digital Marketing Services *Desired Outcome/Results *Any Specific Challenges or Concerns *Preferred Communication Method *Keywords Clients Would Type in Google to Find Your Business *Additional Comments/Requests *Consent *By completing this form, you are providing us with valuable information that will help us create a custom digital marketing strategy for your business. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.Send Message